Breakfast again was an Orange and a Banana.
Lunch was a slightly different take on the previous days NUT salad.
Added the picture next to my laptop to show the volume of salad that I ate.
At the casino we did not eat until almost 8 o'clock. With the cold I was not very hungry, but the buffet did have many options for me.
Asparagus, mexican corn, Butternut (or Acorn) squash, carrots, potatoes. yellow squash, and at the top my cheat items (2 pieces of cheesy garlic bread).
Gambling was bad!!!! I lost and lost and lost. I did make 1 horse racing bet. I bet $20 on an exacta box and it came in and paid $50. The part that sucks is that the 2 horses I really liked came in 1-2. So had I just bet the 2 I liked, I could have won more. Oh well, a win is a win.
We stayed over night in Milwaukee (which is why I am not posting until now). That way I did not have to drive us home with all the crazies.
Here are the 5 new cookbooks I got for christmas.
Left to Right
Eat to Live - he is the one that started me on this kick, so had to get it.
But I could never... - this book does a good job of showing how to replace all the things you miss from not being able to eat meat
Thug Kitchen - this one is the MANLY way to go vegan. EVERY page is NSFW for language!!!
The Cheesy Vegan - a bunch of recipes to make your own cheeses and then more recipes as to how to use those cheese in dishes
The Homemade Vegan Pantry - this was not even on my initial list, but kept popping up seemingly EVERYWHERE I looked. It is from a chef who runs her own vegan restaurant, it gives recipes for making EVERYTHING, condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup, bbq sauce, dressings) non-dairy milk (soy, cashew, almond) cheese (I need to compare to the Cheesy Vegan), soup stocks, fish sticks, buffalo wings, ribs, hot dogs, sausages, unsteak, pastas, cake mix, pizza dough, buttercream frosting, custard, ice creams, gelato....
I may START with the last 1 and make some of these "staples" to get me started. Then I will see what I want to make. I REALY am going to have to plan out a weekly menu!!!!
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