Friday, January 22, 2016

Doctor visit to get me numbers!!

I worked from home today, so food was just go to the fridge and microwave something.  All over the show, but that is not the important part of my day.  The important part is reporting the numbers from my blood work

Here is what I wrote Dec 7th with my BEFORE numbers

The numbers that were bad were
Hemoglobin A1c   6.1% anything over 5.7% is a warning for Diabetes.  6.5% is where it IS diabetes.
AST 75 (should be 10-40)
ALT 69 (should be 9-46)  Both of those are liver indicators, they have been high for a while
Cholesterol 202 (should be 125-200)  I am on medication to get it DOWN to this level
HDL 27 (should be greater than 40)  This is the "GOOD" cholesterol.
Triglycerides 266 (should be less that 150) that is the fat in your blood <<< this is the scary number

Here are those same numbers
Hemoglobin A1c 5.5% (below any Diabetes threshold)
AST 38  (again in the range)
ALT 44 (again in the range)  Both are near the top, but not 50 to 90% over.
Cholesterol 143  (huge drop)
HDL 27 <<< Did not move, need to start exercising to raise it
Triglycerides 185 (Still high, but over a 30% drop from what it was)

All in all the doctor was impressed, he pointed out that I had done this before, but yo-yoed back. I told him this time is different, because this is NOT a diet, this is how I plan to eat the rest of my life.  I never go hungry, I eat all the fruits, nuts, beans, salad and veggies I want.   So I feel like I can do this forever.  I will find the weight I like and I think I should be able to stay there.

I have been having some knee pain on my left leg,  it seems to start at the top of the knee and radiate upwards.   I described it to Dr Raj, and he want to check to see if it is a blood clot, so I have to go back tomorrow and get something like an ultrasound to make sure.  

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