Breakfast today was oatmeal, cinnamon and blue berries
Morning snack was a banana.
For lunch I had my HUGE salad. I went down to lunch area and people asked if I brought that for EVERYONE to share, I said "Nope, I eat 1 of these a day"
Afternoon snack was some veggie chili (have I mentioned how much I love this stuff) (maybe 1 time)
Dinner I tried to cook something - Acorn Squash Supreme.
It is half an acorn squash, with dried apricots, pineapple, raisins, walnuts, cashews and cinnamon.
The recipe called to cook the squash for 45 minutes first face down in 1/2 of water. While that was cooking I cut up, chopped up, soaked the other ingredients. (that process took about 15 minutes. After 45 minutes, I flipped over the squash, put it in a dry pan and spooned in the mix of fruits and nuts. Cover with aluminum foil and cook 35 more minutes. It came out AMAZING!!!!
(I had had something like this at Walnut room when Deb and I went with Nieces Reese and Zoe)
The filling makes enough for 2 halves. I put the extra filling and the other half in the fridge. It will probably be lunch on Saturday.
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