Sorry that I did not post this yesterday. That was the first day I have missed. Was too tired when I got home last night.
Knowing that we were going to Tom and Lynda's in the afternoon and that there would be a TON of food, I started the day slowly. Here is why. We went to midnight mass at our church and it was probably 2 AM before we got home. Of course, I cannot just hop right in to bed, so I was up until 3:30. That meant that I "slept in" until 11 AM. We were leaving the house at 1, so I just steamed up the left over Veggie Delight from the night before.
Off to Tom and Lynda's......
Deb was bringing the appetizers and she purposfully purchased a Veggie Tray and a Fruit Tray, so that I would have something I could munch on. So MUNCH I did!!! I had carrots, broccoli, snap peas, cauliflower, strawberries, pineapple..... There were also pretzels with spinach dip (I had a few of those). So far not bad. At dinner I had a large Caesar's salad, some home made coleslaw, a lot of corn.... and here is where I cheated.... she makes the BEST cheesy potatoes, so I had 2 LARGE scoops of those. I also had 2 rolls. But the parts where I was GOOD, was in that they had the most amazing beef tenderloin, I did NOT have any of that. Lynda is an incredible baker and there were more desserts than I could name. Well I stayed in the dining room talking to Gramps and never even went in to the kitchen to look at was available. So all in all, while eating a little TOO much food, I did not eat and meat, nor did I eat any desserts.
1 of the other cheats for the day was that Tom had received a bottle of Gold Label scotch for his birthday, so we had 1 of those before dinner and after dinner we had some Dewers 12 mixed with Ginger Ale (I think that is a HighBall)
Last night I could tell that I had eaten too much, but today we plan on running around and doing some shopping for the gifts we did not receive. So maybe I will work them off.
I did not get any cookbooks for christmas, so I will be buying some today... then I will be shopping for the ingredients to make some new dishes...
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