So the weight is NOT going up, but also not going done. I actually feel good that I have spent the past 6 weeks eating out and eating frozen stuff and have somehow maintained my weight. This lets me know that when I do reach my goal weight that I should be able to stay there and not make the too rapid climb back to being fat.
Now on to food pictures.
Thursday I was sick and stayed home from work. Had a 100.4 temperature. Basically I did not eat anything that day. Just water and LOTS of naps.
Friday I went back in to the office.
Breakfast was not bad choice
I then found out I had a Noon call, so we were not going to go out to lunch. This started some snacking.
I did not feel like a salad, but saw this instead.
It was not enough, so I went to get some dessert. I ended up making a not too bad choice of yogurt, pineapple and strawberries, with some granola.
I went to the snack drawer looking for some pretzels. Saw these and HAD to try them. Not bad, not good, but unusual.
Thursday was my Niece Emily's 18th birthday. We celebrated on Friday night at ZaZa's in Addison.
Started with some bread.
Then moved on to a goat cheese and tomato "dip"
I split the 4 cheese pizza with Emily
And had 1 of these caprese salad tomato and cheese
Saturday was still a day of not feeling well, so I reheated the Lou's pizza for lunch.
Saturday night we went to Keith and Michelles for a BBQ. They had lots of munchies.
I also had a brownie and 2 Dr Pepper 20 oz bottles, they were camera shy!!
Hopefully tonight I will go to the store and buy fruits and veggies for "real" meals this week.
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