Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 1 - Purge myself of all my old cravings

Today was a day of fasting for me.  I think I need to get all the wants and desires of processed foods out of my system, so I am planning on not eating anything for a few days.  Today was an easy day to not eat since Deb was preparing for her hysterectomy tomorrow, so she could have nothing but liquids.   Tomorrow will be a rough day for me as I sit in the hospital and wait for them to tell me her surgery is done.  She has never had any type of procedures done, so we are a little worried about what will happen.

Fasting for a day is not a big deal for me.  I would usually do that any time I started a diet.  I felt it kind of tricked my body into thinking that there was not going to be any more food, that way when I cut way back on the calories, it was just excited that food was coming back in.   I know that is voodoo, but it made a nice transition for me.

With me being at the hospital waiting for Deb tomorrow, it will also be easy to avoid food.  Normally I would turn to food when I was nervous to calm my nerves.  This will be a good test to see how I can handle stress without turning to food.

On Wednesday I go for blood work, then I see the doctor on Monday after that.  This will give me a baseline of the bad numbers that lead me to taking 3 different kinds of medicines for my high blood pressure and my high cholesterol.

I will be staying overnight with Deb at the hospital, so when I bring her home on Tuesday I will go shopping for my first sets of fruits, veggies and greens.


  1. Great for you JIm! We watched something on Netflix (can't remember the name) about sugar and cutting it out of your diet. I've started looking at the amount of sugar in things and try to make better decisions. The biggest one is cutting down on the soda. I try to limit the soda to once a week - usually at Portillo's. It' been about 6-7 weeks and have not really changed the diet too much and have lost about 7-8 pounds.

  2. The sugar movie is called "Fed Up." It's REALLY good. There are lots of great movies out there, especially Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.
